Anti Wrinkle Injections


Botulinum toxin A (popularly known as ‘botox’), is a purified protein that injected in very small quantities, prevents the signals from nerve cells from reaching the muscles, thereby leaving them without instructions to contract. This can help considerably in the reduction of the facial lines that contribute so much to ageing.


In addition to this, they can be used for a wide variety of other conditions, and at ECM Aesthetics Dr Curry-Machado employs them not only in the treatment of wrinkles and other signs of skin ageing, but also Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).


Wrinkles and lines

Wrinkle-relaxing injections –1 area – £150; 2 areas – £250; 3 areas – £299


Fine wrinkles and lines

Mesotherapy (Mesorejuvenation) £120 per session (5 sessions £500) – 5 to 10 monthly sessions. Effect is cumulative.


Biorevitalization/skin booster – £200 x 1ml vial, £300 x 2ml vial – 2 to 4 a year


Porcelane Skin – £900 – Includes Botox (3 areas), Dermafillers 2ml and one PRP session).


Click here to see the general price list

What is Botulinum Toxin A (‘botox’)?


Although commonly known as ‘botox’, this is in fact a trade mark amongst many products containing the botulinum toxin A, including Dysport, Azzulure, Vistabel and Boccoture. This cosmetic treatment is fast, simple and minimally invasive: a non-surgical procedure that smoothes the deep, persistent lines that develop over time due to muscle movement. This type of treatment has been widely tested, and use of Botulinum Toxin A has been approved by NICE and the FDA for dealing with many different conditions.


One ten-minute treatment (just a few tiny injections) relaxes the muscles that cause those lines to form, and keeps them relaxed for up to four months. Most people return directly to work and normal activity following treatment. Within days, they report looking more natural and relaxed.



What are the commonly treated areas for facial rejuvenation?


• Crows feet at the corner of the eyes

• Frown lines between the eyebrows

• Forehead lines, or worry lines

• Neck or platisma bands

• Eyebrow lift

• Bunny lines

• Chin

• Lines around the neck



Who is a good candidate for this type of procedure?


Any woman or man who is concerned about the appearance of lines and wrinkles can consider this type of aesthetic treatment, from the age of 18 to 65.


IMPORTANT: This type of treatment is contraindicated:


• If you suffer from neuromuscular diseases, such as Myasthenia gravis, or Lambert-Eaton Syndrome

• If you are taking oral anticoagulants (Warfarin, Sintron, new anticoagulant drugs such as Apixaban)

• If you are taking antibiotics (aminoglucosid group) – Gentamycin, Spectinomycin, Amicacin, Netilmycin

• If you are taking any other muscle relaxant that can increase the effect of the product

• If you are pregnant or breatfeeding.





Prior to treatment you should avoid anticoagulant medication, Aspirin and stimulant drink (coffee, tea, alcohol).





• Remain upright for up to 4 hours. avoid lyind down.

• Avoid sun exposure

• Some small bruise may occur.